- 金錢
- 2006
- 威望
- 1394
- 貢獻值
- 212
- 推廣值
- 0
- 在線時間
- 0 小時
- 最後登錄
- 2025-2-7
- 主題
- 100
- 精華
- 0
- 閱讀權限
- 50
- 註冊時間
- 2015-9-26
- 帖子
- 56

TA的每日心情 | 慵懶 2025-2-7 06:25 |
簽到天數: 419 天 [LV.9]以壇為家II - 推廣值
- 0
- 貢獻值
- 212
- 金錢
- 2006
- 威望
- 1394
- 主題
- 100
A Baby’s Growth
1 To describe a baby’sgrowth, the old saying “one thing leads to another” should really read,“one thing leads to an explosion.”1 The perfection of vision and the abilityto hold his head up allow appreciation of visual space. The evolution ofincreasingly efficient reaching also lets the baby appreciate and participatein his three-dimensional world.
2 You may notice thatyour baby can grab toys with either hand. This is partly because the baby haslearned to grasp an object even if it touches his hand lightly or his eyes areaverted. By the end of the fourth month, he can probably alternate hands tograb the toys or transfer a toy from one hand to the other. He may even wave itbriskly, then transfer it and repeat the waving, shuttling it back and forthbetween hands. In imitating the behavior of one hand with the other, the babymay be becoming aware that he can do the same thing with each arm and that eachhand is distinct from the other. This awareness is important to his receivinginformation about space. The baby also begins to see himself act when herepeatedly reaches for and grasps things. He starts to distinguish himself fromthe outer world.
3 If you would likeanother sign of this growth process, try one of Gesell’s measures of mentalgrowth, the behavior of a baby before a mirror. According to Gesell, a babywill smile at his image at around twenty weeks of age. Hold your baby up to amirror and watch him examine the faces there.2 He will probably attend most tohis own image and perhaps smile at it. As his image returns the smile, he maybecome active and vocalize. He may also look back and forth between your imageand you as if the duplication puzzles him. A baby who knows his mother’s facecannot understand two of them. Calling softly to your baby, as he looks at yourconfusing double, complicates matters even further.3 His turning back to thereal you shows that a baby four months old is likely to have the ability ofpreference in discrimination.4
4 An early attachmentto one object —a toy or a stuffed animal —is another index of discrimination,as well as self-development, for the baby’s interests are going beyondhimself.5 Most babies do not prefer one toy this early6, but some will. Afterexploring each toy, your baby may start reaching and playing with one specialone. In the months to come, the toy or anything else the baby identifies withhimself by wearing or carrying may become a "lovely". A "lovely"will be slept with, chewed, hugged, loved, and "talked to". These"lovelies" give the baby a way of coping with the necessaryseparations from the mother.7 A friendly and familiar toy bear may just makehim easier on himself. Rather than feeling threatened, a mother should beflattered by her baby’s extension of affection elsewhere. A baby with the heartto find a "lovey" is showing early mental resourcefulness andflexibility.