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  • No matter what label is thrown your way, only you can define yourself. 回復
  • Real strenge doesn't come from pushing other people down. It's from lifting them up. 回復
  • Where there is praise, there is controversy. 回復
  • Contentment is natural wealth,luxury is atificial poverty. 回復
  • The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated. 回復
  • You will see exactly what life is worth,when all the rest has gone. 回復
  • Never twist yourself just to please the world. 回復
  • Be yourself;everyone else is already taken. 回復
  • Optimists are right.Pressimists are right.It's up to you to choose which you will be. 回復
  • As terrifying and painful as reality can be,it's also the only place where you can get a decent meal. 回復
  • You see,madness,as you know,is like gravity.All it takes is a little push! 回復
  • Nothing in life is to be feared.It is only to be understood. 回復
  • Let everything happen to you,beauty and terror,just keep going,no feeling is final. 回復
  • You can overcome anything,if and only if you love something enough. 回復
  • I just live by the ABCs:Adventruous,Brave,Creative. 回復
  • 性別保密
  • 學歷其它





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kkqqww999999 2025-3-1 19:25
kkqqww999999 2025-2-23 00:26
youlove999 2025-2-22 22:25
114119110a 2025-2-19 13:45
114119110a 2025-2-18 13:46
shallwetake 2025-2-4 03:21
wxy0228 2025-1-27 10:44
qq15820105735 2025-1-4 12:17
youlove999 2024-12-15 07:42
youlove999 2024-12-14 06:48
youlove999 2024-12-11 06:13
liandong 2023-10-27 11:42
小白白 2023-9-19 16:05
ALCOOLJ 2023-9-13 09:39
ALCOOLJ 2023-9-12 09:32


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