
標題: 米西奇新赛季留在欧洲!雷蜜无奈:每年都说登陆NBA,最后还是不来 [打印本頁]

作者: pzz5568468    時間: 2022-7-21 17:55
標題: 米西奇新赛季留在欧洲!雷蜜无奈:每年都说登陆NBA,最后还是不来


I can already hear him saying he's ready to play in the NBA next year.


Classic Micic


the story is finally behind us.. for now at least


Acts shocked

作者: 猪头牛肉干    時間: 2022-7-23 14:35
没办法 有的人 就是不适合NBA

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