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熱度 1已有 3371 次閱讀2012-3-3 21:41 | hello

allow me to introduce myself
my name is, shady
its so nice to meet you
its been a long time
im sorry iv been away so long
my name is, shady
i never ment to leave you
you see that chick in the gym checkin me out?
any second im bout to stick her neck in my mouth
i lose a pill and im wrecklessly wreckin the house
that was supposed to be breakfast where the heck is it now?
theres the necklace i lost right next to stephanies blouse
man i should check to see if my mom left any out
nope. guess ill re-route. maybe somewhere in the depths of the coutch
oh, jackpot, yeah, open sesame mouth
down the hatch n the feelin you cant match it
i rat-tat-tap on your door with a damn ratchet
atta-ta-tackin a whore with a damn hatchet
a nap sack packed with like 40 some xanaxs
shorty come back im tryin to score me some lap dances
im bout to relapse so baby pour me some jack daniels
formula 40-40 and 40s with bad capsuls
the bad apple spoils the bunch im back at ya
well i dont mean any harm all i wanted to do was just say hello
and are you menstrating baby my lil friends waiting to say hello
the way your titties are ***** and your bootys shakin like jello
girl i dont mean any harm all i wanted to do was just say hello
my equilibriums off - must be the lithium
i dont need to buy any drugs, man people give me em
it just becomes every day extra curriculum
no reason in praticular it was strictly fun
a fifth of rum and two bottles of 151
51 people asleep in my damn living room
excuse me hun but what is your name vivian?
i woke up next to you naked and uh did we um?
of course we did but but didnt i scratch any hun?
im looking for the torn rapper but there dont seem to be one
no offense baby girl i dont mean any harm
but disease is something im trying to keep my penisry from
i find the package and im cool i immediately run
like speedy gunsalus to see if i see anyone
who might have a couple of 3s im fiendin for some
my head is poundin to the beat of the drum
well i dont mean any harm all i wanted to do was just say hello
and do you happen to have anything on you to make my mood mellow?
some are oval and some are pink some are blue and some are just yellow
girl i dont mean any harm all i wanted to do was just say hello
oh those were the days they certainly were
its hurtin me to know that ill be closing that curtain for good
word word word word wor-word
i second that and i third rush to emergancy surgery
to try to flush me because of the drugs that he purchased
hes no longer getting them free 100 bucks for these percadens
plus its getting to be where hell lustfully search the den
pain is hitting his knee and his muscles be hurtin him
childishly on the phone tryin to rustle up
muscle relaxers for his back and a couple of ?
now hes doubling back


  • 1

發表評論 評論 (2 個評論)

回復 qwe123477 2012-5-17 15:50
回復 greatdyp 2018-1-2 00:46

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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